Business Directory Pricing Models: How to Price your Business Directory


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Kevin Richer

This article will compare the various pricing models used in the industry. By understanding the various pricing models available, you can make an informed decision when choosing how you’ll build and price your Business Directory and start generating revenue.

Workout Programme Pricing Models: How to Price Your Business Directory

When launching and growing a business directory, choosing the right pricing model is crucial to achieving your revenue goals. This blog will cover different pricing models and key factors to remember. We also go over the costs associated with using our business directory template to streamline your business directory build. 

Overview of Different Business Directory Pricing Models

Freemium Model

The freemium model offers basic listings for free while charging for premium features, such as enhanced visibility or additional listing details. This model attracts a large user base quickly while monetizing through upsells. It’s commonly used in software directories.

Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing provides different levels of service at varying price points. Each tier offers a progressively higher value, encouraging businesses to opt for higher-priced packages. This model is effective for directories with diverse service offerings, like marketing directories with different levels of promotional support.

Pay Per Submission

In the pay-per-submission model, businesses pay a fee each time they submit a listing. This model ensures a steady revenue stream and is ideal for directories with a high volume of submissions. An example is job boards that charge companies for each job posting.

Consumer Memberships

Consumer memberships involve charging users a subscription fee to access premium features of the directory. This model works well when the directory offers significant value to end-users, such as exclusive content, advanced search features, or special discounts. For example, a business directory might offer consumers access to detailed reviews, priority customer service, or exclusive deals from listed businesses.

Business Memberships

The membership model charges businesses a recurring fee to be listed in the directory. This model provides predictable, recurring revenue and works well for directories that offer ongoing value, such as industry associations. For instance, a fitness directory might charge gyms a monthly fee for continuous visibility.

Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing focuses on the perceived value of your business directory to the customer. For example, if your directory provides exclusive access to high-demand businesses, you can charge a premium. This model works well for niche directories offering significant benefits.

Important Factors to Consider

Target Audiences

Understand who your primary users are and what they value most. Tailoring your pricing model to their needs ensures higher acceptance and satisfaction. For instance, if your audience values detailed analytics, a membership model with premium analytical features might be ideal.

Targeting a niche with a well-defined target audience can also help you stand out among competitors. There are many well-established general business directories that benefit from decades of exposure. Your directory will have a much easier time competing if you can differentiate in a way that resonates with your audience.

Profit Margins

Consider your costs and desired profit margins when setting prices. Ensure your pricing covers operational costs and leaves room for profit. Analyzing competitor pricing can provide insights into market standards and help set competitive yet profitable rates.

Revenue Goals

Define your short-term and long-term revenue goals. Your pricing model should align with these objectives, whether it’s generating quick revenue through pay-per-submission or building a stable income stream with memberships. In any case, your revenue goals should be able to produce your desired profit margin as well.


Analyze your competitors’ pricing models and offerings. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses allows you to position your directory uniquely and competitively. Offer additional value or services to differentiate your directory from the competition.

Your competitors’ pricing also hints at how they run their businesses. You can determine their lifetime customer value and learn more about what customers in your target audience are willing to pay. This information can be used to estimate how much they can pay to acquire a customer and decide if you can compete with their advertising campaigns. All else being equal, it’s tough to compete with someone who can spend twice as much as you to convince a customer!

Costs to Run the Memberstack Business Directory Template

Running a Memberstack Business Directory Template involves costs such as Webflow subscription fees, Memberstack membership fees, and other operational expenses. Budget for these costs to ensure your pricing model is sustainable and profitable.

Purchasing the Template

The initial cost involves purchasing the Memberstack Business Directory Template. This investment provides you with a professionally designed template that includes all the necessary features to get your directory up and running. It saves development time and ensures a high-quality, functional design. The template costs $89 for Memberstack subscribers and $179 for everyone else. It makes sense to subscribe to Memberstack when working with the template though, since many of its features are powered by Memberstack. A Memberstack subscription starts at $29 per month.

Payment Processing Fees

Payment processing fees apply when charging businesses or consumers for listings or memberships. These fees are typically a percentage of each transaction and can vary depending on the payment gateway used. Memberstack integrates with Stripe by default, which charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. It’s important to account for these costs in your pricing strategy to maintain profitability.

Domain Name Registration

Registering a custom domain name is essential for establishing your business directory's online presence. Domain registration typically has an annual fee and varies based on the domain extension (e.g., .com, .net) and the registrar. A memorable and relevant domain name can enhance your directory's credibility and accessibility.

Webflow CMS Plan

To manage your directory's content, you will need a Webflow CMS plan. This subscription provides access to Webflow's powerful content management system, allowing you to create, edit, and organize listings efficiently. The CMS plan also includes hosting, ensuring your directory is fast, secure, and always accessible.

Make Core Plan

The Make Core Plan offers additional features and integrations to enhance your business directory. This plan includes advanced automation tools, API access, and custom workflows, helping you streamline operations and improve user experience. Investing in this plan can significantly enhance your directory's functionality and scalability.


We’ve covered various pricing models and costs for your business directory. Use this information when planning your business directory and deciding if it’s worth pursuing. If you do decide it’s worth it, all that’s left is to get started!

Our article on building a business directory can help when planning your build. You might also be well into your business directory build; we can help there, too with our article on growing your business directory.