Why Memberstack?

Why Teams at Slack & Webflow Trust Memberstack.

Teams at companies like American Airlines, Slack, Entreprenuer.com, and Smart Passive Income use Memberstack to serve millions of members every single day.

Top Webflow agencies like Relume, Finsweet, Flowbase, Refokus, Whiteboard, and Brandweld have used Memberstack to build beautiful client projects with user auth, gated content, and Stripe payments. It’s free until you’re ready to go live (just like Webflow).

Built for Webflow & React

Launch a beautiful Webflow MVP in a weekend and give yourself the option to scale into a custom React application without needing to migrate anything on the backend. Your subscriptions, passwords, and social connections will work anywhere Memberstack is installed.

Memberstack uses data attributes to tap into your Webflow project. This means you can build everything from profile screens to forgotten password flows all according to your own visual style.

Pick from 200+ Customizable Webflow Components →

Robuuste authentificatie uit de doos

Voeg veilige en gecodeerde gebruikersverificatie toe met behulp van:

Single Sign-On voor uw Forum, Community, Help Center, enz. zodat klanten niet meerdere accounts hoeven aan te maken op uw verschillende platforms.

Directe toegang tot Stripe Checkout & Billing

Accepteer onmiddellijk betalingen in 135+ valuta met onze Stripe-integratie met één klik.

1.000 integraties

Synchroniseer gegevens tussen Memberstack & uw favoriete tools met behulp van onze Webhooks, Zapier app, of Make app. Start een affiliate programma met Rewardful, ondersteun klanten beter met Intercom, of verzamel productanalyses met Heap.

Any member data collected by Memberstack is exportable via the dashboard. This includes the data you collect from members, JSON data, Metadata, and plan data.


Onze ingebouwde testomgevingen bieden u en uw team de mogelijkheid om staging-domeinen in te richten, geautomatiseerde testcases uit te voeren en functies handmatig te testen voordat ze live gaan.

The Memberstack Admin API allows you to verify webhooks, JWT tokens and CRUD methods on Members in a backend environment.

The DOM package makes it easy to add Memberstack to any projects that runs in a browser.

Probeer Memberstack gratis uit

100% gratis, onbeperkt proberen - upgrade alleen wanneer u klaar bent om te lanceren. Geen creditcard nodig.