How to Build a Productized Service with Webflow and Memberstack


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Percival Villalva

In this post we'll cover everything from building a Productized Service with and without templates as well as tips and strategies to growing your Productized Service!

Building your Productized Service

In the evolving landscape of digital services, the concept of a productized service is gaining traction among entrepreneurs and agencies looking for a more predictable, scalable, and efficient way to offer their expertise. Unlike traditional service models that often involve custom quotes, scope creep, and inconsistent project timelines, productized services offer a refreshing alternative with fixed prices, defined scopes, and streamlined delivery processes.

Believe it or not, even the most bespoke services, the ones we often think need that personal agency touch can be neatly packaged into something productized. Take Design Pickle, for example. They've brilliantly turned graphic design, of all things, into a productized service, offering unlimited, tailor-made designs.

Design Pickle homepage

And we don't need to look far to find more examples of this trend, especially within the Webflow community. A prime example of this is the Relume Library, a service beloved by Webflow developers for its productized offerings. They've crafted a fantastic collection of UI components and layouts, making it a breeze for designers and developers to set up sophisticated, customizable Webflow elements in no time.

Relume Components page

Now, I hear you thinking, "This sounds amazing, but switching from the classic agency style to a productized service sounds like a mountain of a task." And you're right; it's not without its challenges. Figuring out fixed pricing, aligning with client expectations, and streamlining service delivery can seem daunting. But what if there was a way to simplify this transition, making it more accessible and less chaotic?

This is where Webflow and Memberstack come into play. With Webflow's platform, you can craft stunning, tailor-made websites without knowing how to code. Memberstack then seamlessly integrates into your Webflow website bringing user authentication, membership management, and easy payment integrations. Together, they offer you a straightforward path to building and scaling your productized services with ease and style.

So, let's begin by establishing the basics of your service, including selecting a niche and identifying key features of a productized service. After that, we'll dive deeper into how Webflow and Memberstack can help you turn these concepts into reality.

Laying the foundation for your Productized Service

The decision to create a productized service begins with two critical steps: selecting your niche and identifying the core features your service will need. These initial decisions will shape the trajectory of your service and play a significant role in its success.

Picking Your Niche

Selecting the ideal niche involves identifying where your skills align with market needs. It's crucial to carry out detailed market research to grasp the challenges and issues your intended audience experiences. Exploring platforms such as Reddit, Quora, and online forums can offer valuable insights into the difficulties others face, helping you come up with business ideas that leverage your existing skills and knowledge.

These insights will allow you to tailor your productized service to address those specific needs effectively. Remember, a well-defined niche can significantly reduce competition and increase your service's perceived value, so make sure to not skip this step and conduct a throughout market research.

Types of Productized Services

Now that you know the importance of choosing the right niche, you might wonder what kind of productized business is even feasible.

In theory, any service can be productized, but to give you a clearer idea, let's look at some typical productized services that evolve from agency or freelancer skills. These services can differ greatly based on the industry and target audience. Here are three prevalent types, each catering to specific needs:

  1. Content Creation Services: Companies like Design Pickle offer unlimited graphic design services for a flat monthly fee, catering to businesses in need of consistent, high-quality design work without the hassle of hiring a full-time designer.
  2. Digital Marketing Services: Services that provide specific marketing functions, such as social media management or SEO, on a subscription basis. These services offer businesses a way to maintain a robust online presence without managing these tasks in-house.
  3. Consulting and Coaching Packages: Experts in fields like business, fitness, or personal development can package their advice into structured programs or courses, offering clients a clear path to achieving their goals.

Each of these service types demonstrates the versatility of the productized service model and its potential to transform traditional service offerings into streamlined, scalable products.

Core Features of a Productized Service

To ensure your productized service provides an exceptional client experience, it's important to include features that enhance usability, efficiency, and reliability.

By utilizing Webflow for design and Memberstack for user management and payment processing integration, you can incorporate essential functionalities that elevate your service:

  • User Authentication and Profiles: Memberstack integration allows clients to create and manage their profiles, ensuring a secure login process and a tailored experience that caters to individual preferences and needs.
  • Service Listings and Descriptions: Use Webflow's dynamic CMS to present your services in a clear and compelling way. This includes detailed descriptions, pricing information, and specific deliverables for each service. Well-structured listings help clients understand your offerings and make informed decisions.
  • Payment Processing and Subscriptions: Process payments on your website through Stripe, using the Memberstack-Stripe integration. This is a crucial feature for enabling smooth and secure payment transactions, supporting both one-time payments and recurring subscriptions. This integration simplifies the billing process, making it easy for clients to purchase services and for you to manage financial transactions efficiently.
  • Client Dashboards: Combine Webflow's customization capabilities with Memberstack's user management to create personalized client dashboards. These dashboards serve as a centralized hub where clients can monitor their service usage, track the progress of ongoing projects, and access their deliverables. This feature not only enhances the client experience but also promotes transparency and trust in your service.

Best way to build a Productized Service with Webflow? Start with a Template

While it is possible to build a productized service from scratch with Memberstack and Webflow, using a template is the most efficient approach. Building a website from the ground up involves a series of tasks, including designing your site, developing all the pages in Webflow, adding Memberstack integration, and more. While feasible for those with design and Webflow expertise, it's very time-intensive. And if you're not a developer, you might find yourself needing to hire external help.

Opting to begin with a template such as the Productized Service Template, simplifies the process of building your productized service. This strategy not only speeds up the development time but also provides you with a robust, service-focused website foundation right from the start.

To utilize this template, you'll need accounts with Webflow, Memberstack, and Make. And if you're concerned about the complexity of integrating all these tools, don't worry. The template includes exclusive access to a Slack community, instructional videos, dedicated support, and more, all designed to streamline your experience.

Features of the Productized Service Template

The Productized Service Template is more than just a starting point for your online presence; it's a comprehensive toolkit designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities of running a productized service business.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the features included in the template:

  • Marketing Site: The template includes a fully customizable marketing site that serves as the front door to your productized service. This site is designed to effectively communicate the value of your services, engage potential clients, and drive conversions with clear calls to action.
  • Dashboards (Client & Admin): Central to the template are two distinct dashboards tailored for different user roles. The Client Dashboard allows your customers to manage their projects, view updates, and interact with your team. The Admin Dashboard provides you with a comprehensive overview of all client projects, enabling efficient management and oversight.
  • Project Management Features: Adding and updating projects is a breeze for both you and your clients, thanks to intuitive interfaces and seamless integration with Webflow's CMS. This ensures that project information is always up-to-date and accessible.
  • Live, Real-time Community Comments: Built directly into the template, this feature fosters a sense of community and engagement among your clients, allowing for real-time feedback and discussions within the platform.
  • Pricing Options: Catering to diverse client needs and preferences, the template offers four different pricing options. This flexibility allows you to segment your services and cater to a broader audience or offer tiered levels of service.
  • Social Auth: Simplify the login and signup process with social authentication options, making it easier for new clients to onboard and existing clients to access their accounts.
  • Seamless CMS Project Management: Leverage Webflow's powerful CMS to manage project details, updates, and content, ensuring that your platform remains organized and efficient.
  • Project Filtration: This feature enhances the user experience by allowing clients to easily filter and find specific projects, updates, or information relevant to their interests.
  • Multi-Step Forms: Break down complex forms into manageable steps, improving user experience and increasing the likelihood of form completion.

Customizing the Template

The template not only offers an attractive and practical design with numerous integrated tools but also gives you the necessary flexibility to change it to fit your unique brand identity. Your website serves as your brand's digital face, and naturally, you'll want to tailor the template's design and features to align with your brand's unique style and needs.

For that reason, customization and scalability are at the heart of every Memberstack template's development process. With the support of platforms like Webflow, Memberstack, and Make, you can trust that personalizing your template to match your specific requirements is both straightforward and flexible.

Design customization

Webflow stands out as one of the most potent no-code design platforms available, enabling you to tweak everything from color schemes and typography to the overall layout. To help you navigate the infinite possibilities of the Webflow designer, upon acquiring the template, you'll gain access to a detailed guide on design setup, helping you make the most of Webflow's capabilities.

And remember, adhering to fundamental design principles is key when updating your site. An effectively designed website is essential for drawing in and keeping clients for your productized service. Consider the following important design principles when customizing your website:

  • User Experience (UX): Ensure your site is intuitive and easy to navigate. A clear path to purchasing your service should be evident from the moment visitors land on your site.
  • Branding: Consistently apply your brand's visual elements throughout the site. This includes your logo, color scheme, typography, and any other brand identifiers.
  • Service Presentation: Clearly present your services, including detailed descriptions, pricing, and expected outcomes. High-quality images or illustrations can enhance the appeal of your offerings.

Managing members in your Admin dashboard

Managing your clients (members) in Memberstack is a crucial aspect of customizing and operating your productized service business. Fortunately, our template developers have thought of everything to ensure that both you and your clients enjoy a seamless experience on the website, equipped with all the necessary features for client and admin-side dashboards.

Processing payments

An essential component of any productized service business is a reliable payment processing system. With Memberstack, you benefit from seamless integration with Stripe, ensuring smooth transaction processing.

This integration not only facilitates Stripe-handled client purchases but also links these transactions to the client's existing Memberstack memberships. This connection provides valuable insights into client preferences and behaviors. For detailed guidance on setting up Stripe with Memberstack and Webflow, check out our documentation.

How much does it cost to run a Productized Service Business?

Starting with the Productized Service Template also makes the costs of launching and operating your business more predictable. You can get the template for a one-time fee of $121, or just $56 if you have an active Memberstack plan. In addition to Memberstack, the template integrates with Webflow and Make, with the total cost varying based on your business's size and the specific features you require. To get a clearer picture of the expenses involved in starting your business with this template, check out the video below.

Optimizing your Productized Service

With your productized service website up and running, the next vital move is to attract clients and set the stage for growth. Although business growth is a broad topic that can't be fully covered here, I'll share a few tips to kickstart your website's growth strategy:

  1. Leverage Your Network: Utilize your professional and personal networks to spread the word about your new service offering. Personal recommendations and word-of-mouth can be powerful marketing tools.
  2. Content Marketing: Create valuable content related to your service area, such as blog posts, case studies, and how-to guides. This not only helps establish your expertise but also improves your SEO, driving organic traffic to your site.
  3. Social Media: Use social media platforms to share updates, insights, and behind-the-scenes looks at your productized service. Engage with your audience by answering questions and participating in relevant conversations.
  4. Email Marketing: Build an email list and keep your subscribers informed with regular updates, special offers, and valuable content. Email can be a direct and effective way to nurture leads and convert them into clients.
  5. Paid Advertising: Consider using paid advertising channels, such as Google Ads or social media advertising, to reach a broader audience. Target your ads based on demographics, interests, and behaviors that align with your ideal client profile.
  6. Partnerships and Collaborations: Partner with other businesses or influencers in your industry to co-promote your services. This can help you tap into new audiences and add credibility to your offering.
  7. Client Testimonials and Reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave testimonials and reviews. Positive feedback from real clients can significantly enhance your service's credibility and appeal to potential clients.
  8. Referral Program: Implement a referral program to incentivize current clients to refer new clients to your service. This can be an effective way to grow your client base organically.


Building a productized service is a strategic move towards offering your expertise in a scalable, efficient, and client-friendly manner. By packaging your services into fixed-price offerings with clearly defined scopes and deliverables, you can streamline your operations and provide clear value to your clients.

Webflow, with its no-code platform, offers the flexibility and design freedom necessary to create a custom website that perfectly encapsulates your brand and service offerings. When combined with Memberstack, you gain access to essential membership functionalities and user management capabilities, creating a seamless end-to-end experience for both you and your clients.

Finally, for the sake of a quick recap, here are the key takeaways for you to kick off your productized service business:

  • Choosing Your Niche: Identifying a specific market need and tailoring your productized service to address that need is crucial for success.
  • Leveraging Webflow and Memberstack: These tools provide a powerful combination of design flexibility, no-code development, and membership management, making them ideal for building and scaling productized services.
  • Starting with a Template: Utilizing a template, such as Memberstack's premium Productized Service template, can significantly speed up the development process and ensure you're incorporating best practices from the start.
  • Customization and Optimization: Tailoring the design to your brand, integrating key features for service delivery, and optimizing your site for search engines are essential steps in attracting and retaining clients.