Tegen geweld en racisme

May 28, 2020


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Memberstack Team

Het Memberstack-team is van harte solidair met de Black Lives Matter-beweging.

As a team, we reflected on the different forms of racism we've seen or experienced in our personal lives. We recognize the platform we're fortunate to have as a company — and have committed to a series of ongoing actions to support this human rights movement.

  • We're offering a 1-year free subscription to the Memberstack product for Black creators, makers and entrepreneurs. (access here)
  • We're incorporating improved approaches to hiring inclusively as we grow our team. For our next roles, we'll be actively sourcing more candidates via underrepresented communities and transparently sharing more about our values & operating principles as a team.
  • We're actively educating ourselves on anti-racism through books, podcasts and articles and sharing our learnings with each other as we make progress.

Our mission is to help more people build and grow their businesses on the Internet — and the ongoing violence and racism against the Black community is fundamentally opposed to our principles as a team. If you have suggestions for other ways we can be helpful, we'd love to hear from you via email.