How to Set a CMS Link Using a Webflow CMS Text Field
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Why/When would need to set a CMS link using a Webflow CMS text field?
- Dynamically add links when you can’t use a Webflow CMS link and you’re stuck with a plain text field.
Sometimes it might make more sense to use a text field to put your URL in instead of getting the URL from a CMS collection, whether it’s because you can’t use a CMS link field or whatever else your particular case may be.
This guide will show you how to quickly and easily add dynamic links to plain text fields.
Setting a CMS link using a Webflow CMS text field
To set a CMS link using a Webflow CMS text field, we’re going to use MemberScript #94 – Set href Attribute. Follow the link to get the code you’ll need to add to your page and watch a video tutorial on how to set everything up.
Setting it up
All you need to do is add the following attribute to your text field:
- ms-code-href=”VALUE”
For the attribute’s value, just choose whichever dynamic value you need on your page.
You can also write anything in it or even use another script to pull the link from another part of the page.
Het laten werken
Now that you’ve added the attribute to your input field, all you need to do is add the MemberScript #94 custom code to your page, before the closing body tag.
That’s everything, you can now go ahead and test the dynamic link on your live site.
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Our demo can help you use anything, including Webflow CMS plain text fields, to set your href attributes.
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