Webflow vs Clickfunnels - Wat is beter? 2022 Beoordeling


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Shuib Abdullah

Als u verkoop wilt stimuleren via een website, of het nu om een product of dienst gaat, hebt u een efficiënt platform nodig. Er zijn tal van platforms voor het bouwen van websites, die allemaal verschillende functies bieden. Hoewel ze zeer verschillend zijn, zitten ze allebei vol met gebruiksvriendelijke functies.

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Main differences

  • Webflow allows more advanced customizations without the need for custom code, whereas ClickFunnel is quite simple
  • Webflow doesn’t have a wide range of marketing tools built in, whereas ClickFunnels have some great marketing tools like abandoned cart recovery
  • Webflow has a powerful & versatile CMS, whereas ClickFunnels isn’t suited for content-driven sites
  • Webflow allows developers to build custom animations without code, whereas ClickFunnels doesn’t
  • ClickFunnels includes affiliate marketing tools out of the box, whereas Webflow requires a third-party integration
  • Webflow offers 5 plans with a free plan, whereas ClickFunnels offer a 14-day trial and 2 payment plans

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a website builder & CMS (Content Management System). It has a beginner-friendly interface, allowing anyone to design & build custom websites and web apps without any code. Webflow is ideal for content-driven sites and also eCommerce, and integrating third-party tools like Shopify & Calendly is fairly straightforward.

What is Clickfunnels?

ClickFunnels is a popular sales funnel and website builder. It’s very beginner friendly and also has a range of templates for improving conversion rates. Clickfunnels is ideal for any sized business looking to drive sales through its website.

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Design & Development

Both Webflow & Clickfunnels  allow you to create beautiful and brand-focused websites with various features to boost conversion/sales.


Webflow can be used as an advanced or basic page builder depending on your needs. They also have a large library of premium and free templates which are vetted by the Webflow team. Although it can take a while to get used to Webflow’s designer, the possibilities to create unique multi-page websites are endless. Since Webflow is a low-code platform, anything you can do in CSS is possible with the Designer, including all sorts of animations and transitions.

However, if you don't have the time to spend designing different sections of your site, you can use a component library like Relume with hundreds of professional web components. Webflow also has been recently updating its Designer to include features like running audits on the current page to check and improve your site's performance and usability. Easy things can be missed like missing alt tags or non-descriptive link content, which is crucial for SEO.


Modifying pages you build in ClickFunnels is basic and simple using the in-built drag & drop editor feature to modify each part of the design. The customizability is not as flexible compared to Webflow though, so it's difficult to add custom CSS or animations if you’re not a developer. However, some resources and tutorials showcase this, check out this video here.

Similar to other page-builders, click funnels have a vast choice of free and premium sales-funnel templates you could use. This means all you have to do is add your images, logo & sales copy to run a successful sales funnel landing page.

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Features


Webflow also has a host of features that allows you to build modern, web-friendly and perfomance driven landing pages. The biggest difference between Webflow compared to ClickFunnels is integrations. Webflow developers have to rely on third-party tools like HubSpot & Vimkit to integrate form submissions and connect a CRM to your Webflow site. In recent years, developers have been spoilt for choice with countless integration tools popping up all over the web. This means there's a tool for almost everything you need. If you want to find out more about this, check out this article: https://www.memberstack.com/blog/best-webflow-integrations

With sale funnels and tracking business metrics, A/B split testing is a staple, luckily this is also possible with Webflow, just not natively. In your Webflow project settings, simply paste in your Google Optimize Customer ID and save your changes. You’ll also need to add your Google Analytics tracking ID. Here's a full guide by Webflow Unversity: https://university.webflow.com/lesson/integrate-google-optimize-for-a-b-and-multivariate-testing

One area in Webflow really trumps ClickFunnels is advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) control. A lot of systems let you add/edit metadata, create photo alt text, and also target search phrases. Webflow does one action better by using immediately generated sitemaps and also adjustable 301 redirects. This means your site is ready to be crawled by Google and you won't be missing key SEO points when you launch.

Click funnels

ClickFunnels has many integrated features for creating and testing your funnels. One of the key features is A/B split testing. This method involves a randomized experimental process where two versions of a variable (in this case, a landing page) are shown to different segments of users simultaneously. This is so one can determine which version leaves the maximum impact at increasing business metrics, for example, conversion rates for an online store.

Another feature useful for tracking sales is a CRM (Consumer Relationship Manager). Getting new customers is important, but retaining those customers is even more valuable to business growth. A CRM allows you to build relationships with your customers and collect valuable information on an individual contact.

ClickFunnels also makes it simple to track your funnels with the ‘follow-up funnels’ feature. With this, you can speak straight to your clients, based on their details, such as who they are, what they have bought from you, their location and actions they took inside your funnel page.

In the ClickFunnels control panel, you can promptly see exactly how well your funnels are performing. For instance, if you’re split testing two different pages, this is particularly useful. If you’re a small-medium business, accessing your business metrics in the form of charts & tables is important for making reports for your team to analyze. The image below shows a snapshot of how you can do this


ClickFunnels isn’t known for its blogging and CMS (content management system) capabilities. Although you can post blogs, other forms of content are not as easily built through a CMS.

Webflow also has a CMS that enables you to publish various types of content on your website. From blogs and projects to a teams section. Every bit of content can be CMS driven which is great if your team consists of editors, designers & developers. Editors and designers could use the Editor view to change and remove content.

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Collaboration


Similarly, Webflow makes it just as easy to collaborate on a project together. For instance, if you’re a freelancer/agency, Webflow just released a new feature which allows you to be a ‘guest’ on client sites which is great for collaboration. They also announced page-branching, which allows multiple designers to work in parallel on different pages of the same project.


Clickfunnels 2.0 has this feature, they call it simultaneous editing. You know how in Google Docs several people can edit the same document at the same time? With this feature, you can do the same with the pages in your sales funnel.

Another notable collaboration feature is user-permissions. You can allow and restrict access to specific functionalities of your project based on what each team member needs to do their job.

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Ecommerce


Let's talk about eCommerce features. Both ClickFunnels and Webflow offer a great eCommerce experience, but both come with a different set of features.

If you want to build an online store that is unique and matches your brand, Webflow provides a great developer experience. You can customize every bit of the eCommerce journey including the checkout page. You also don’t have to worry about taxes as it's calculated automatically, meaning you can just focus on designing a great user experience for your customers.

Speaking of user experience, Webflow allows customers to pay with Paypal, Stripe, Google Pay & Apple Pay. Typically, the more payment options customers are presented with, the higher the chance of conversion. Another popular payment option is Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), and Klarna is at the forefront of this. Luckily, you can implement this in Webflow using Mollie, a tool that works with Foxycart checkout. Check out this article for more details: https://wiki.foxycart.com/gateways/mollie


The cart provided with Clickfunnnels is secure and powerful. The checkout pages are simple to set up,too. For payment options, however, customers are limited to PayPal & Stripe which means they won’t have the flexibility to pay with fingerprint recognition (like Google & Apple pay). This could potentially affect conversion rates, a key metric to measure in eCommerce.

Furthermore, You can integrate custom checkout flows to set up specific processes to trigger at key points. For instance, sending out an email to a customer when an order is made without having to set this up with a separate email marketing service.

One area ClickFunnels excels in however is their in-built marketing tools. A good example of this is the abandoned cart workflow, which automatically emails customers to remind them to check out. Although, this is possible with Webflow using the Shopify buy-button integration. To find out more about integrating Shopify with Webflow, check out this article: https://university.webflow.com/integrations/shopify

Webflow vs ClickFunnels: Pricing

So how do these platforms compare in terms of pricing?


Webflow offers five price plans. There's a free starter plan which is great for those starting with Webflow, It offers a webflow.io domain, 50 CMS items and up to 50 form submissions. The paid plans start from $14 going to $39 with different features in all. The CMS plan is particularly good value as you have 2,000 CMS items, a custom domain and up to 3 guest editors. Find out more on their pricing page here.


ClickFunnels have 3 pricing plans, with only a 14-day free trial. Their basic plan is $147/m which includes 20 funnels, 100 pages and 3 payment gateways. Their second pro plan is $197/m which is suited for medium businesses that would benefit from 100 funnels, unlimited pages, unlimited products and more. This plan comes with all the marketing tools needed such as Affiliate tools, 9 custom domains and more. Their ‘funnel hacker’ plan is packed with even more features, and priced at $297/m, its definitely suited for larger multifaceted online businesses Find out more on their pricing page here.

Final thoughts

Both ClickFunnels and Webflow are great for building landing pages and multi-page websites that convert. Webflow gives you a ton of options to get creative, but it also feels intuitive even if you've never used a website builder before. If you have a lot of content to publish or need a custom approach, it's worth checking out Webflow. In addition to this, there's an integration for every business workflow like Shopify or Calendly, you’re never limited.

If your primary aim is to drive sales of physical (or digital) products, and you want to build the most effective landing page possible, ClickFunnels is an ideal option. It helps you by giving you access to some powerful funnels that will make upselling and abandoned cart recovery much easier. ClickFunnels is great if you want to get into affiliate marketing, too.

I hope this has helped you to figure out which one works best for your business!