#69 - Notify Members of New CMS Items v0.1

Display an element when there are new CMS items.

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  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async function() {
    const memberstack = window.$memberstackDom;

    // Set this variable to 'YES' or 'NO' depending on whether you want the UI to be displayed for new users
    const displayForNewUsers = 'YES';

    // Only proceed if a member is found
    const member = await memberstack.getCurrentMember();
    if (!member) {
      console.log('No member found, exiting script');

    async function getUpdatesIDFromJson() {
      try {
        const memberData = await memberstack.getMemberJSON();
        console.log(`Member data: ${JSON.stringify(memberData)}`);
        return memberData?.data?.updatesID || '';
      } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error in getUpdatesIDFromJson function: ${error}`);

    async function updateUpdatesIDInJson(newUpdatesID) {
      try {
        const memberData = await memberstack.getMemberJSON();
        memberData.data = memberData.data || {};
        memberData.data.updatesID = newUpdatesID;
        console.log(`Updates ID in JSON after update: ${newUpdatesID}`);
        await memberstack.updateMemberJSON({ json: memberData.data });
      } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error in updateUpdatesIDInJson function: ${error}`);

    async function checkAndUpdateUI() {
      try {
        const element = document.querySelector('[ms-code-update-item]');
        const cmsItem = element.textContent;
        console.log(`CMS item: ${cmsItem}`);

        // Get the current updates ID from JSON
        const updatesIDFromJson = await getUpdatesIDFromJson();
        console.log(`Updates ID from JSON: ${updatesIDFromJson}`);

        // Check displayForNewUsers variable to decide behavior
        if (displayForNewUsers === 'NO' && !updatesIDFromJson) {
          console.log('Updates ID from JSON is undefined, null, or empty, not changing UI');

        if (cmsItem !== updatesIDFromJson) {
          const uiElements = document.querySelectorAll('[ms-code-update-ui]');
          uiElements.forEach(uiElement => {
            uiElement.style.display = 'block';
            uiElement.style.opacity = '1';

        // Update the updates ID in JSON after the UI has been updated
        await updateUpdatesIDInJson(cmsItem);

      } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error in checkAndUpdateUI function: ${error}`);

    // Check and update UI when the page loads
    checkAndUpdateUI().catch(error => {
      console.error(`Error in initial functions: ${error}`);

Creating the Make.com Scenario

1. Download the JSON blueprint below to get stated.

2. Navigate to Make.com and Create a New Scenario...

3. Click the small box with 3 dots and then Import Blueprint...

4. Upload your file and voila! You're ready to link your own accounts.

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Version notes
Geen items gevonden.

How to Notify Members of New Updates on your Webflow Site

Memberscripts needed:

  1. https://www.memberstack.com/scripts/69-notify-members-of-new-cms-items




Why/When Would you need to Notify Members of New Updates on your Webflow Site?

  1. Notify users of new features, products, or any new change that’s taken place on your website since their last visit.

If you want to notify your users of updates when they visit your website, an easy way to do it is with MemberScript #69.

It will essentially just display a modal populated with the most recent CMS items from a CMS collection. If the update title is saved on the member, that means they’ve seen already seen it and the modal won’t show up if there’s nothing new to show.

Notifying members of updates on Webflow sites

To notify members of updates on your Webflow site, we’re going to use MemberScript #69 – Notify Members of New CMS Items. Follow the link to get the code you’ll need to add to your page and watch a video tutorial on how to set everything up.

Setting it up

The first thing you’ll need to do is create and style the modal where the CMS items will be displayed, then add this attribute to it:

  • ms-code-update-ui=””

Keep in mind that the modal will be displayed using display: block when there are updates, so make sure that your modal looks the way you want it to using that display setting.

You can hide it by default, so you don’t need to work around it when making changes in the Webflow designer.

Now inside each CMS item, the title needs to have the following attribute:

  • ms-code-update-item=””

This is what’s going to be saved as the ID of the CMS item.

Making it work

Now that you’ve got the modal built and styled, all you need to do is add the MemberScript #69 custom code to your page, before the closing body tag.

The only thing you might want to change in the code is this line:

  • const displayForNewUsers

By default it’s set to “yes,” which means the modal will also display for new users. Otherwise, if you set it to “no,” it will only display for returning users.


That’s everything, you can now go ahead and test your modal and see if it’s working as intended.

If you want to use our demo project to get you started, just click the button below to add it to your Webflow site.

Our demo can help you add a modal populated with CMS items detailing updates about your site, products, or whatever else you need.

Take me to the Script!
