#129 - Country Gating v0.1

Block visitors from viewing your site if they're in one of the disallowed countries.

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<!-- 💙 MEMBERSCRIPT #129 v0.1 💙 - COUNTRY GATING -->
  // Configuration
  const ACCESS_DENIED_PAGE = '/access-denied';

  // List of disallowed countries using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
    // "US",  // United States
    // "CN",  // China
    // "RU",  // Russia
    // "IN",  // India
    // "JP",  // Japan
    // "DE",  // Germany
    // "GB",  // United Kingdom
    // "FR",  // France
    // "BR",  // Brazil
    // "IT",  // Italy
    // Add more countries as needed

  // Function to get visitor's country and check access
  function checkCountryAccess() {
    // Check if we're already on the access denied page
    if (window.location.pathname === ACCESS_DENIED_PAGE) {
      return; // Don't redirect if already on the access denied page

      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        const visitorCountry = data.country_code; // This returns the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
        if (DISALLOWED_COUNTRIES.includes(visitorCountry)) {
          window.location.href = ACCESS_DENIED_PAGE;
      .catch(error => {
        console.error('Error fetching IP data:', error);

  // Run the check when the page loads
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', checkCountryAccess);

Het Make.com-scenario maken

1. Download de JSON blauwdruk hieronder om het te leren.

2. Navigeer naar Make.com en maak een nieuw scenario...

3. Klik op het kleine vakje met 3 stippen en vervolgens op Import Blueprint...

4. Upload je bestand en voila! Je bent klaar om je eigen accounts te koppelen.

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Jamie Debnam
39 Digital

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